In this episode of Endeavour, Chief Inspector Thursday and his wife attended the Stuart-Hargreaves Dance Studio in Bicester. Murder victim Jean Ward is really the Right Honorable Moira Creighton-Ward. The South Oxfordshire Regiment was at Mboto Gorge. One of the Regiment’s members is Private “Geordie” Collier. A pair of British fascists named Spode and Webley are mentioned. Yvonne and Barry Stuart-Hargreaves were the dance instructors at the holiday camp Maplins in the TV show Hi-de-Hi!, which takes place in 1959-1960. Apparently, they left the camp and opened a dance studio in Bicester sometime between 1960 and 1968. The Right Honorable Moira Creighton-Ward is apparently a relative of Lady Penelope Creighton-Ward from the television series Thunderbirds, which has already been established as a possible future for the CU. The Battle of Mboto Gorge is from the Blackadder Goes Forth episode “Goodbyeee.” Private Collier may be Newcastle native Terry Collier from the television series The Likely Lads. Terry joined the army in the last episode. Roderick Spode is from P. G. Wodehouse’s Jeeves novels. Everard Webley is from Aldous Huxley’s Point Counter Point.
This crossover is one of hundreds covered in my book Crossovers Expanded: A Secret Chronology of the World Volume 3, which will be published by Meteor House! All three volumes are AUTHORIZED companions to Win Scott Eckert's Crossovers: A Secret Chronology of the World Volumes 1 and 2!
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