ancient vampire “Nosferatu” travels to Los Angeles and picks a fight with
monster-hunting P.I. Cal McDonald. “Nosferatu” is clearly Graf Orlok, the vampire
from F.W. Murnau’s film Nosferatu,
ein Symphonie des Grauens.

The Crossover UniverseTM is a companion blog to the books Crossovers: A Secret Chronology of the World Volumes 1-2 by Win Scott Eckert, and the forthcoming Crossovers Expanded Volumes 1-2 by Sean Levin. Material excerpted from Crossovers Volumes 1 & 2 is © copyright 2010-2014 by Win Scott Eckert. All rights reserved. Material excerpted from Crossovers Expanded Volumes 1 & 2 is © copyright 2014-present by Sean Levin. All rights reserved.
Orlok's appeared in a lot of things including Sponge Bob
I guess Sponge Bob would have to be considered an AU. I really hope it's considered an AU.
It's been awhile since I've seen the first Hellsing animation. The second (and the original manga) would be considered an AU. Even though it's revealed that the main character Alucard is really Dracula (which most fans figured out by reading the name backwards) his history does not quite jell with the original novel. He's bound into service of the Hellsing family instead of destroyed. Also the fact that London is destroyed by Vampire Nazis in Zeppelins probably violates the world outside your window principal. ;)