Saturday, November 21, 2015

Crossover Cover: The Bone Clocks

As I've discussed in previous posts, the connected works of author David Mitchell are in the CU through references in Joe Hill's novel NOS4A2, which also has references to Hill's father Stephen King's work. In this novel, the following appear or are mentioned: Dr. Marinus; Alan Wall; Hugo Lamb; Dominic Fitzsimmons; Felix Finch; Jonny Penhaligon; Kilmagoon Special Reserve; Elijah D’Arnoq; Spyglass magazine; Dwight Silverwind; and The Voorman Problem. Dr. Marinus, who is capable of reincarnation, is from The Thousand Autumns of Jacob de Zoet. This incarnation of Marinus debuted in Mitchell’s libretto for Michael Van der Aa’s opera Sunken Garden. Johnny Penhaligon is a descendant of the Captain Penhaligon that appears in The Thousand Autumns of Jacob de Zoet. Alan Wall, Hugo Lamb, and Dominic Fitzsimmons are from Black Swan Green. Felix Finch and Spyglass magazine are from Cloud Atlas. The Afterword included in the paperback edition of this novel reveals Elijah D’Arnoq is the son of Mr. d’Arnoq, a minor character in Cloud Atlas. Kilmagoon Special Reserve is a fictional whiskey that recurs in Mitchell’s works. Dwight Silverwind is from Ghostwritten. The book The Voorman Problem is the basis for the movie of the same name in number9dream. The section of the book entitled “Sheep’s Head: 2043” takes place on an Earth ravaged by climate change, and therefore must represent an alternate future, which also appears to be the setting of Mitchell’s story “The Siphoners.” This section also has an appearance by Mo Muntervary from Ghostwritten.

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