This anthology published by Pro Se Productions includes the story "Wanted: Señorita Scorpion" by my fellow New Wold Newton Meteoritics Society member Brad Mengel. Bounty
hunter Bellem pays a call on Anse Hawkman at the advice of Waxahachie
Smith. Hawkman wants Bellem to track down the outlaw Señorita
Scorpion, who is said to shoot faster than Dusty Fog. Bellem dented
his rifle pistol-whipping a man he was paid to track down by a banker
in Yellowdog. Waxahachie
Smith, Dusty Fog, and the town of Yellowdog are from the Floating
Outfit novels by J. T. Edson, which are already firmly in the CU.
Therefore, this crossover brings in Les Savage, Jr.’s Señorita
Scorpion, who appeared in eight stories in the pulp magazine Action
Stories from
1944 to 1949.
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