Monday, August 31, 2015

Crossover Cover: Angel Spotlight: Wesley

Charles Gunn asks Fred Burkle for the slime analysis on “the Illithid case.” Illithids are the mind-flayers from the Dungeons and Dragons games, thus making the various D&D realms alternate realities to the CU.


  1. Does this require that the various D&D realms be actual AUs, or maybe they're just supernatual/demon dimensions within the CU? After all, I assume the various demon dimensions seen in Buffy/Angel are part of the CU, and it seems like the D&D realms would fit easily into that sort of classification.

  2. There's an episode of Angel where the protagonists is asked if he's familiar with Dungeons and Dragons. He responds "I've seen a few."

    Is this the first reference to Dungeons and Dragons? If so I wonder what (if any) link it might have to the Lord of the Rings?

  3. Will D&D crossovers like the Abyssal Plague be covered as a result?

  4. Having just read the wikipedia article on the creatures I notice they are fairly Cthulhuesque so there might be some relation there

  5. I think since the various D& D universes are fairly complex with alternate dimensions and universe if their own it would be better if they were AUs
