Toby Dexter, a mild-mannered bookshop
assistant in Bradford-on-Avon, follows a beautiful and enigmatic woman named
Gayle from Veritie, the real world, to Mysterie, the magical world, where he
learns that he is a focal point, destined to play a major role in defeating
Nicholas Hob, the Serpent’s Son and his ally, a fallen angel called simply
Angel, who wish to raze both Veritie and Mysterie in order to allow Hob’s
father, the Serpent in the Sun, to remake them in his own image. Toby’s shop
sells the new English translation of the infamous Necronomicon and the
Bruin Bear and the Sea Goat books. Jimmy Thunder, God for Hire, once had a case
involving Count Dracula’s mandolin. The Necronomicon and Count Dracula need no introduction. The Bruin Bear and the Sea Goat books are from Green's novel Shadows Fall. Several individuals mentioned in this novel go
on to appear in the Nightside series.

The Crossover UniverseTM is a companion blog to the books Crossovers: A Secret Chronology of the World Volumes 1-2 by Win Scott Eckert, and the forthcoming Crossovers Expanded Volumes 1-2 by Sean Levin. Material excerpted from Crossovers Volumes 1 & 2 is © copyright 2010-2014 by Win Scott Eckert. All rights reserved. Material excerpted from Crossovers Expanded Volumes 1 & 2 is © copyright 2014-present by Sean Levin. All rights reserved.
I especially like the Simon Gren crossover but I am intrigued by the mention of Dracula having a mandolin
ReplyDeleteHey, everybody has to have a hobby.