“Poor Shafik Jamal had neither the reflexes nor
the experience of Richard Camellion. With the exception of Mack Bolan, another
deadly crime fighter known as The
Executioner, very few men had.” Both the Executioner and the Death Merchant have been included in the CU via other crossovers, but this reference definitively confirms that they exist in the same universe.

The Crossover UniverseTM is a companion blog to the books Crossovers: A Secret Chronology of the World Volumes 1-2 by Win Scott Eckert, and the forthcoming Crossovers Expanded Volumes 1-2 by Sean Levin. Material excerpted from Crossovers Volumes 1 & 2 is © copyright 2010-2014 by Win Scott Eckert. All rights reserved. Material excerpted from Crossovers Expanded Volumes 1 & 2 is © copyright 2014-present by Sean Levin. All rights reserved.
You know, if Mack Bolan and The Death Merchant met, Bolan would figure he's just as bad as the people he fought and would put a bullet in him.