Friday, July 31, 2015

Crossover Cover: The Quest of Frankenstein

My good friend Frank Schildiner has had his first novel published by Black Coat Press, featuring Gouroull, the version of Frankenstein's Monster that appeared in novels by Jean-Claude Carriere. As one can see from reading the plot synopsis and the excerpt, Herbert West appears, as does Rondo Hatton's villain the Creeper. Frank assures me that there are a number of other crossovers in the book. I'm keeping my fingers crossed that Frank will have copies available for sale at Pulpfest/FarmerCon. Congrats to Frank, who has been kind enough to always put likes on my posts here when I've shared them on Facebook. :)

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations to your friend! It sounds like something I would enjoy reading.
